Finding Trust (Centre Games) Read online

Page 24

  “Surely he’s not that bad, Jazz?”

  “Man’s so full of himself it’s unbelievable. All that dark and brooding.” Jazz was almost cursing him again the way she said it.

  “Yeah, he is that. But at least you got what you wanted.” Rihanna tried to console her.

  Jazz giggled. “Actually, Rory told me what I wanted to know.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Rihanna nodded her head.

  “Umm, I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I’m not sure where it would have got to with Quade if Rory hadn’t shut us down. It was getting pretty heated.”

  “Oh well, don’t worry about it. Everything seemed to be fine at dinner.”

  Jazz laughed and shook her head. “Ha, like you’d know. I think you spent all dinner playing footsies with Brayden. And don’t think I missed his hand inching up your thigh.”

  It was Rihanna’s turn to look sheepish. “Umm, guilty on all accounts.”

  “Nothing to be guilty about. Geez, if he was mine, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him.”

  “Well, I have to admit I seriously struggle. Seems like we’re always going at it. But I just can’t help myself most of the time. He says something and I melt. Then the next thing you know, I’m back in bed or on the pool table or in the spa or on the bathroom counter,” she rattled off, running a mental tally of all the places they’d had sex. Many more than once.

  “Hey. Rih. You know how much I love the details but even I’m starting to reach my limit.”

  “Sorry, I’m just so…” she trailed off.

  “I know. Into him.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s it.” Rihanna started to fiddle with the zipper on the cushion she’d put on her lap. “Do you think it has any chance of working?” she finally asked.

  “I do. I think that finally you’ve met a guy that’s not put off by your freeze tactics. I think he’s also genuinely into you. Shit, he even admitted it in front of his friends. Not many guys would do that. Particularly after a week. The rest is going to be up to you. You need to give him a chance by trying to be at least open to the idea of it going somewhere further.”

  Rihanna thought on her words for a few seconds. “You’re right. I just get so scared sometimes, when I see how shattered Dad looks half the time. Mum’s passing gutted him.”

  “It did, sweetie, but only he can move on from that. You shouldn’t give up what could be, by worrying about what it mightn’t be.”

  She knew Jazz was trying to be understanding but still forthright with her thoughts about this. “I know you’re right. Shit, you’ve even got the piece of paper to say you’re good at this shit.”

  Jazz just laughed. “Having a piece of paper saying I’m a shrink has nothing to do with it. I know this because I’m your best friend and have watched what’s happened to you for most of your life.”

  Rihanna shifted across the lounge and hugged Jazz.

  “Thanks, Jazz, I really appreciate your opinion.”

  Jazz squeezed her hard. “I know. Now do something positive with the advice.”

  “Okay,” she promised and broke the hug.

  Jazz stood. “Right enough girl chat. There are three hot men in there to perve on.”

  “Hey, I thought you and Andy were back together?”

  “We are but it doesn’t hurt to look nor imagine.”

  “You’re so bad, Jazz.”

  “No, it’s just that you’re so good…well, normally.”

  They both laughed and walked from the room, in search of some hunky eye candy in Jazz’s case and the real thing for Rihanna.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She first became aware of a ticklish whisper along her neck. Then there was a shiver running through her. Then she recognised a very familiar tongue tracing the shell of her ear. Ohhh, or was she dreaming? She felt a light touch across her nipple. Then a light pinch.

  Oh no, she wasn’t dreaming. Brayden wanted her attention.

  “Wake up, babe, you need to get up,” Bray whispered in her ear.

  She struggled to roll over and focus her thoughts.

  “Mmmm, Bray,” she groaned through a stretch and yawn. “What time is it?”

  “Just after six, baby.”

  “What’re you waking me up for?” she asked with a throaty whisper; it sounded far more like an invitation than a question.

  He leaned in and kissed her teasingly on the lips. His mouth touching hers immediately sent her arousal screaming for more. He broke away just as she was reaching up to pull his head down closer to hers, letting him know she was more than happy to enjoy a little morning pleasure.

  His face registered disappointment. “Sorry, sweetheart, we don’t have time right now.”

  “Ooohh,” she whined. “Why do I need to get up?”

  “Get your bikini on, baby. We’re going out on the Jet Ski.” He’d taken her hand and was urging her up and out of bed.

  He stood straight, pulling her up with him. Her body plastered the length of his. He brushed the hair off her forehead and planted an affectionate kiss on her forehead right above her nose.

  Brayden gave her a tight hug before pushing her towards the bathroom. “Come on, Minky, we need to leave in fifteen minutes. Go get dressed and I’ll pour you a coffee and get you something to eat.”

  She moved towards the bathroom, reluctant to leave his embrace. Brayden gave her a playful swat on the bottom and a sinful grin that clearly made promises for later before he left her to getting ready.

  Brayden had bundled Rihanna into the SUV that now had the very sleek-looking Jet Ski attached behind on the trailer.

  Her coffee sat in a travel mug in the centre cup holder and there was a bag of fruit and muesli bars on the seat. She settled into the seat and took a sip of the hot coffee while Brayden hopped in and got them underway.

  They drove the first few kilometres in silence, both of them taking the opportunity to have breakfast on the go.

  Belatedly, Rihanna realised that she hadn’t even given a thought to Jazz. Brayden and the guys had convinced Jazz to stay. It had gotten late and she’d had a few glasses of wine. So they all decided it was best if she stayed.

  Rihanna thrust her palm into her temple. “Shit, I forgot all about Jazz being there. Bray, I can’t just leave her at your place.”

  “Relax, Minky. All taken care of. Jazz and the guys left about thirty minutes ago. They’re headed for one of the warehouses that the Centre uses to store our equipment. They’re going to pick up a couple more skis and meet up with some more of the team.”

  “What’s going on, Brayden? What are you talking about?” She was totally confused.

  “Boss sent a message through a couple of hours ago. He wants us to go check out a boat off North Stradbroke Island. Initial intelligence indicates it’s registered to some Chinese merchants; boss thinks it may be more. Our job is to check it out.”

  “And how exactly does Jazz fit into this? She doesn’t know anything about the virus.” Rihanna was now becoming anxious at the swift change of events.

  “And that’s the way we intend to keep it. We’re going to go out as a group of about half a dozen Jet Skis. This’ll look like we’re doing a club ride. We’re trying to make it look like we’re just a bunch of jet skiers out having a spin around and a bit of a picnic on the beach. Really, we’ll be doing surveillance. The more of us along, the less suspicious it will look.”

  “So who else is going?”

  “Quade, Rory, and some other members of my team, plus you and Jazz. The more skis that have couples on them, the better. Have you ever been jet skiing before? It’s huge fun.” He shot her an infectious grin.

  “I went on one when I was about fifteen at some resort we holidayed at in Fiji.” Rihanna looked out the window, a faraway look in her eyes.

  Brayden, ever astute, noticed. “What is it, Rih?”

  She sighed and turned her head toward him. He immediately saw the sadness and memories in her eyes. “It was the last family holida
y we had. Mum, Dad, and me.”

  “And did you enjoy it?” he asked, leaving the question ambiguous enough if she wanted to offer more.

  “Yeah, I seem to remember enjoying it. We just went out into a lagoon and went around some buoys.” Rihanna at least smiled when she recalled it.

  “Oh well, we’ll be doing a lot more than that today. You up for it?”

  Why did she suddenly get the feeling that there was a lot he wasn’t telling her? “Oookayyy now you’re starting to worry me.”

  He let out a low chuckle. “Nothing to be worried about. We’re going to have a huge day. All you’ve got to do is hang on and enjoy the ride.”

  “Okay, I can do that, I think,” she agreed, smiling at him. “Just so I know, exactly what did you guys tell Jazz?”

  “Just that we were going out for a ride with some other people who work with us. Rory made it sound like it was something we did regularly and that the company supported.”

  “Okay, well, I hope that holds. You’ve learnt firsthand how nosy she can be.”

  Brayden laughed at this as he pulled into the Broadwater car park at Southport. He put the vehicle in park and then leaned over and gave her a quick brush on the lips with his thumb before he hopped out the door and went to release the tiedowns on the trailer.

  He could be so sweet. That little touch of his thumb to her lips. Ooooo, it was enough to make her melt. Bray did lots of little things like that regularly. He casually touched her when he moved past. A light cup of her butt, while she stood at the kitchen bench. A kiss to her neck as he stood behind her. All these little gestures let her know just how much she meant to him.

  A few seconds later, he was back in the SUV and reversing down the ramp into the water. She noticed Jazz, Rory, and Quade standing off to the beach side of the ramp. She got out of the SUV and went to chat with them.

  The three of them stood beside two incredibly sleek-looking Jet Skis. One was a metallic blue and black, the other the twin to Brayden’s green and black monster.

  As she approached, she could see the excitement running off Jazz. Jazz spotted her and raced up, giving her a big hug.

  “Rih, this is so cool. I can’t believe we’re going out on these skis.” Jazz was jumping around, almost screaming.

  “Well, they look nice,” she said sceptically.

  “Look nice!” Jazz screeched. “Rih, they’re Kawasaki 300 Jets Skis. The fastest production ski on the planet.”

  Rihanna’s stomach did a somersault at this bit of information. Fastest production Jet Ski on the planet. Okay, today might be a tad terrifying.

  “Jazz, I know you’re an adrenaline junkie but I’m going to be happy just to stay on. Now you’ve told me this, I have to say I’m slightly terrified. And besides, how do you know what a whatever it is, is? ”

  “Oh, Rih, stop worrying, Brayden won’t let anything happen to you. And I know about the skis because Darren was ohhhing and ahhing over the catalogue at Mum and Dad’s before Christmas. He was dreaming Santa might be nice to him. No such luck.”

  Darren was Jazz’s younger and terribly spoilt brother. He was the apple of her parents’ eye and could do no wrong. Rihanna didn’t mind him but Jazz kind of went between either ends of the spectrum where Darren was concerned. She either loved him or she wanted to throttle him. He was a good kid; he couldn’t help that her parents had enabled him to be a bit useless.

  At this point, Brayden pulled his green and black monster up beside the other two. The guys immediately went into a huddle.

  “I think there are supposed to be some other people joining us,” Rihanna went on, anything to take her mind off getting on the green beast.

  “Yeah, the guys said something about that.”

  “Umm, so who’re you getting on with?”

  “I don’t really know but I think Rory. Quade can be such a jerk. Rory’s a sweetheart.” She’d moved over to whisper in Rih’s ear, trying to make sure the guys didn’t catch her voice.

  “Rory is a sweetheart, but I don’t think Quade’s a jerk. He’s just the strong, silent type.”

  “Yep, Mr SUHAHAM for sure.”

  “Oh, Jazz, let’s not get the day off to a bad start right from the outset.”

  “You’re right. Today is going to be awesome,” she cried with excitement.

  “So, was Andy annoyed you stayed over?”

  “Well, he wasn’t really happy but I don’t care. He was working anyway and I’ve given him so many chances. I have to say I’m really wondering why I bother.” Jazz’s words were quite circumspect, which surprised Rihanna.

  “Well, I guess only you can answer that, Jazz,” Rihanna said supportively.

  “Oh, I know why. I just don’t want to admit it to myself. I will one of these days.” She nodded her head in an easy-come, easy-go manner.

  Brayden broke away from the guys, looking at his watch as he moved to stand by Rihanna.

  “The others will be here in a few minutes. They’re coming from a little way down the Nerang River.”

  He took Rihanna’s hand. “Come on, let’s get you two sorted out.”

  Brayden led her to the ski he had just pulled up on. He opened the front hatch to reveal a huge storage compartment. On top were a couple of high-tech looking life vests. He handed one to Rihanna and helped her slip it on and zip it up, not failing to pause briefly as he drew the zipper over her breasts covered by her bikini top and T-shirt.

  He handed the other to Jazz and she shrugged it on.

  “Jazz, you can ride with me,” Rory offered, helping her adjust the wide straps that went around the vest.

  “Cool. Thanks, Rory.” Jazz was happy. She got what she wanted.

  “Okay guys, let’s go and we’ll meet the others out in the channel.”

  The guys all moved to their skis and started pushing them out. Quade was first out and gone in a second. Brayden waded in the water, pushing the nose of the ski out to deeper water.

  “Okay, I’m going to get on in a sec. You just need to push us a little farther out and then grab the back of the seat and step onto the ski.” He indicated where she should put her feet and the handle she could use to grab onto. “Then just hold onto me. You can either use these handles.” He indicated the side handles attached to his life vest. “Or you can put your arms around me.” At that, Brayden gave her a devilish wink.

  “Let’s go, Minky,” he said, climbing aboard.

  She did as instructed and pushed out and then stepped on. She slid along the seat and pressed her thighs around his hips and grabbed hold of the handles. Well, that was what they were for, weren’t they?

  “All set?” he turned and asked her.

  She nodded. She was looking a little anxious. He brushed his lips against hers.

  “Just enjoy it, babe. It’s nearly as good as sex.”

  He started the engine and hit the throttle. The ski leapt from stationary to fifty kilometres an hour in what seemed a heartbeat. Her body was thrown backwards with the immense acceleration and her heart leapt into her mouth. If she hadn’t been holding tightly to the handles, she had no doubt she would have been left sitting on the beach.

  Deciding she wanted something more solid to hang onto, she wrapped her arms around his waist and linked her fingers.

  He turned his head and grinned. “That’s better.”

  She immediately knew he’d dropped the throttle purposely. Bastard.

  They zoomed along and Rihanna watched the speedometer inch up over Bray’s shoulder. Rory and Jazz were about one hundred metres in front of them. They were now doing eighty kilometres an hour on the glassy water of the early morning. She could feel her face beginning to distort from the speed of the ski over the water, the passing air cool against the sun’s already warm rays.

  They rounded a slight right-hand bend and Rihanna immediately saw three other skis similar to theirs. There were two big men, similar in stature to Quade, Rory, and Brayden, and two other ladies on behind; the third woman sat on a ski by
herself. They were petite in comparison to the hulking frames of their companions.

  Up ahead, she could see Quade just approaching the Southport Seaway that announced the point where the sheltered Gold Coast waterways met the Pacific Ocean. The bar was notorious and today looked to be no exception. Many vessels met their demise on this treacherous crossing of water. The long, rock-covered spit wall ran down the right-hand side and the islands of South Stradbroke sat to the left, creating a narrow passage for water to run in and out of.

  Today, the bar looked menacing. White caps rolled through with regular frequency. Some of them looked to be very tall.

  Bray slowed as he approached the group and turned in his seat.

  “I’ll introduce everyone later. Let’s get out there first.” He saw the look of terror on her face. “Don’t panic, baby. I know you’re scared. Just hang onto me and let your body follow mine. It will be a rough crossing but it’ll be huge fun. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Brayden didn’t give her any further time to protest. He turned and accelerated the ski towards the bar. Rihanna noticed that the other skis were doing similar from her peripheral vision. She’d jammed her body so tightly to his and her head so close against his shoulder, she was sure he’d wear the imprint of her body forever.

  As he approached the breaking waves and the water became rougher, throwing the ski from side to side, he backed off the throttle a bit. A large rolling wave came directly for them. Bray held the ski straight and accelerated into it, racing up the face. He then cut the throttle at the crest, allowing the ski to slide down the trough rather than launch airborne metres into the sky like she’d seen Quade do just seconds before. She released the breath she’d been holding and looked forward, watching the next monster come at her. Brayden repeated the process with each wave. Brayden got a little bolder each time until he, too, was launching them off the top of the waves, letting gravity catch them, only to rejoin the thrashing seas again.

  Her stomach had stopped doing flip-flops in fear and she actually realised she was starting to have a seriously good time. Riding the ski through the washing machine that was the Southport bar was indeed huge fun, like a huge natural rollercoaster.