Finding Trust (Centre Games) Page 16
Jazz thought she should give it a go but she really only knew half the story. Jazz didn’t know all the stuff about the virus or her father. The Centre had sworn her to secrecy and given her government connections and clearances; she had no choice but to comply with them. Would Jazz be still giving her the same advice if she had been totally honest about the situation? Rihanna actually suspected she would have. The bit here that had twigged Jazz’s interest was that she was feeling new things.
For the very first time, she felt fear—because she actually was tempted to see where things could go. She would have dearly loved to have had the opportunity to spend a day or two thinking about things. Not that she really had any chance to put some distance between them. The situation with the virus meant that they would be working together; for how long, she wasn’t sure. Probably just as well or Rihanna knew she’d find a reason to retreat back into her lab and forgo potentially another relationship.
A realisation dawned on her. Brayden hadn’t actually said he wanted a relationship, just that he was interested in seeing where things could go. Did that mean for the duration of their time together working on the virus situation? Or did it mean after that?
A feeling of anxiousness came over her again. She needed to understand where he was at. Maybe if she did, then his answer would help her plot her response to him. If it was only for a short time, then she would enjoy it but distance herself. If it was potentially longer term, then she’d just have to think about whether she was prepared to risk it. Was she willing to risk the potential pain that her father felt every day?
He had left Rihanna outside, enjoying a laze beside the pool. Brayden was in his study, going through some of the latest intelligence on the case. It seemed that evidence was now beginning to suggest that there may be another party involved and not so much the East Europeans as first thought. In fact, the last information was strengthening the support for the extremist Chinese factional group.
The Gold Coast was an increasingly popular destination for Chinese travellers and business people. Their love affair with the laid-back Australian lifestyle, sunny days, beaches, and fun was quickly growing.
It seemed increasingly likely that there was intent to carry out a hit on an Australian target. The big question was what? Was it a building, a random act on an event, or something else altogether? He guessed that much of the work Rihanna would be doing with the team in Brisbane would hopefully shed some light on what a likely target would be.
He was deep in thought when he heard her walk through the French doors in the living room. Her recent telephone conversation with Jazz had gone on for a while. He’d been able to hear it clearly from the living room but he’d elected to give her some privacy by retreating to his study. Just because he could hear things didn’t always mean he should. Everyone was entitled to some privacy and Rihanna was no different.
“Brayden,” he heard her call, clearly trying to locate him.
“I’m in the office, Rih,” he called back. “Door closest to the garage off the hall.” He realised that she’d probably not ventured in here as he usually kept the door firmly closed. He liked to separate work from living, at least where possible. It was sort of like how he saw himself. His obvious human side and his very hidden animal side.
He was human in every sense of the word but he was so much more as well.
She knocked softly on the door and poked her head around, hesitating at the doorway.
He smiled warmly. “Don’t be shy, babe. Come on over and take a seat.” He motioned to the large leather couch that took up the whole of one wall. “I’ll just be a sec.”
She took the time to look around the oversized room and noticed a few framed photos on the wall beside the oak shelving unit. The shelving unit held a few books and lots of different trinkets and what looked like memorabilia.
He could feel her eyes wandering around the room, taking in his office décor. Finishing his emails, he swivelled his desk chair around to face her sitting on the couch.
“How was the pool?”
“Nice. It was great just to laze around a bit.”
“I noticed you chatting on the phone. I know you aren’t going to like this but I have to say it anyway. You have to be extremely careful with any phone conversations you have at the moment. I’d really prefer you limited communications to your friends and colleagues to an absolute minimum at the moment; ideally, not at all.”
Rihanna took a deep breath, trying to take some heat out of her voice; she knew he was only doing his job but… “I’m not an idiot, Bray. I was just talking to Jazz. She is my best friend, you know, and if I don’t talk to her, she’s going to get really suspicious. She thinks I’m holed up here with you, the hottie from Steel, fucking each other senseless.”
“Well, the last bit is certainly true and I intend to keep on ‘fucking you senseless’ as you have so eloquently put it.” He smirked at her.
“Umm, now that you mention it. Can we talk about this, please?”
“Well, you were the one who actually mentioned it but sure, we can talk about it. Always happy to talk about the fucking bit,” he joked.
“I’m trying to be serious here, Brayden,” she said, frustrated at his ability to lightheartedly talk about sex.
Recognising her frustration, he obliged. “What’s on your mind?”
“That’s kind of my question. Where is your head at with this?” When she saw his confused looked, she ran on, “I mean with this thing between us. What are we doing?”
“I thought it was pretty obvious—we’re enjoying the hell out of each other,” he stated bluntly.
“Yeah, sure, I get that bit. But…” She hesitated, not knowing how to really broach the subject without terrifying him and having him run a mile. “Don’t worry, it’s not important.” She half rose, intending to leave.
“Rihanna, sit down and talk to me. What is it that’s bothering you?”
She was furiously chewing her top lip and looking incredibly uncomfortable.
“Rihanna, stop worrying and just tell me. I’m not a mind reader and I don’t know you well enough to guess.”
“I don’t think you’re going to like my question but I need to know,” she responded in a very quiet voice.
“Minky, stop worrying and ask whatever you want. If I don’t want to answer, I’ll tell you so.” He looked her straight in the eye, almost daring her to break the contact. This was more of Rihanna trying to evade and hide herself and her feelings rather than just coming forth and asking or taking what she wanted.
She finally looked at him directly. “I want to know where you think this thing between us is going? I guess I need to know if I’m just another fling or if there is something more serious here between us.”
He took a deep breath, checking his temper. How could she think this was a fling? “Rihanna, I don’t think this is a fling. I’m struggling to understand why you would think that?”
“Because you’re you and I’m me.”
“What in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Brayden was now totally confused. What was going through her head?
“Look in the mirror, Brayden. You’re incredibly handsome, have a body to die for, a sometimes famous musician, and some sort of undercover secret agent. Why would you possibly be interested in me?”
It really hit Brayden hard, like a hard jab to the jaw. She really has no concept of just how attractive she is. How could she get to thirty years of age and not know how the opposite sex lusted after her? Just this morning, he’d caught himself about to growl at the guy behind the butcher’s counter that couldn’t take his eyes off her breasts and ass. It took everything he had not to reach over and punch him in the nose for staring at her.
“Rihanna, I’m beginning to realise that you don’t have any concept of how you are actually seen by guys and probably girls, for that matter.”
“What do you mean?” If this was any other woman, Brayden would have sworn she was fishing for
compliments. Rihanna was totally oblivious.
“You’re beautiful, you’re smart, resourceful: any guy would give his left nut to have you say hello to him, let alone hope for something more.”
“Bray, that’s nice of you to say. I realise I don’t usually terrify small children as they walk down the street and I’m reasonably attractive but I’m hardly beautiful, and I certainly haven’t been knocked over in the rush by men wanting to date me.”
He threw his head back and laughed at her comment. “Minky, most guys wouldn’t have the guts to approach you for fear they would be rejected. You send off the ‘Don’t touch me’ vibes really damned well.”
“Hasn’t seemed to slow you down,” she shot back.
“No, but then I’m not most guys.” He turned the corner of his mouth up in a devilish smile and winked.
“You really think that I give off those signals?” she asked, disbelieving.
“I don’t think it. I know it. I saw it on New Year’s Eve. The only guy you made eye contact with was me. Any other guy who tried to engage you was politely sent the ‘back off’ vibe.”
“Didn’t seem to help me with those guys who attacked me,” she mumbled, almost to herself.
“That’s different and you know it. Those guys were paid to do a job. They weren’t interested in hearts and flowers, Rih.”
A visible shiver ran through her. “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Getting back to your original question, I think there is something between us, and I’d like to see where it can go.” Brayden paused and it looked as if he was struggling with something. “But there’s something you have to know. There’s big chunks of my life that you will never see or get to know because my work for the Centre won’t allow it.”
“I guess you’re just like me then. My work comes first.”
“I’m not talking about just spending days or weeks working on an assignment where I may not be able to contact you or see you. What I’m saying is that I won’t be able to tell you anything about what I was doing, where I was, or who I was with for that matter. Not many people can live with that. It takes an incredible amount of trust.”
Rihanna seemed to visibly chew over his words, thinking them through.
“Okay…I think I’m starting to understand. So what you’re saying is that you would be prepared to consider a relationship but there is a big part of your life I will never have any knowledge of. Kind of like you being two separate people. The Brayden I know now and the Brayden that does something else for the Centre.”
She didn’t realise how close to the truth she was. He really did live two separate lives.
“Yeah, that’s it. Very similar to how special forces operate in the military.” He was watching her closely to see how his explanation of the way his life operated would affect her.
“So it really comes down to whether I can be happy living with this sort of relationship?”
“Yes, it does.” His voice had turned very solemn.
She looked away from him, clearly torn by what he had just disclosed.
“Brayden, I’m not sure I can answer this just now. I want to say yes, but I just don’t know at the moment. So much is going on with the virus. And to be truthful, I suck at relationships. In fact, I’ve never had one that worked.”
“Well, maybe rather than deciding yes or no to anything today, how about we take it a day at a time? I think we can agree that we’re both keen to see if we have something worth pursuing longer term.”
He reached out and gently raised her chin with his hand. Her eyes found his.
“Do you agree, Rihanna?”
She held his eyes and murmured, “Yes.”
Brayden didn’t know, but something told him Rihanna had just made a bigger commitment to him than she’d made to any other man in her life. It filled him with immense pleasure but also immense terror. How would she react if she ever found out just what he was hiding?
He pushed the fingers of fear clawing at his gut aside and leaned forward and touched his lips to hers in the softest, sweetest kiss he could ever recall. She melted immediately into his arms and they sealed their promise together.
Chapter Twelve
A little before four in the afternoon found Rihanna snuggled comfortably into Brayden’s side as they watched the credits roll up on a popular new release movie that neither of them had seen. Brayden raised his body more into a sitting position and repositioned Rihanna so her head was resting on his broad chest.
“Minky, we need to talk about the guys coming in. They’ll be here soon.”
Rihanna raised her head at his words; she wasn’t alarmed but more cautious of what he might say. “Sure. What do I need to know?”
He stroked the hair back from her face absently with his hand. “The guys are a bit different. We’re used to working as a team and our bond is tight. Having you here will change that dynamic.”
“So you want me to pretend there’s nothing between us?”
“No, I don’t,” he said. “We’d never be able to pull that off. Besides, I want things to be as easy between us as possible. I guess what I’m saying is I’m not really sure how they’re going to react. We’re not the sort of guys who usually have relationships we announce. And to my knowledge, none of us have ever got involved in a relationship with someone from an assignment.”
He scrubbed his hands through his hair, clearly concerned at what his teammates might think of their relationship.
“Bray, if it’s a problem then we’ll just cool it.” She didn’t like that thought one bit but she didn’t want to compromise his position with his team, either. To be honest, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with their relationship yet. She was even more nervous having others knowing about it.
“That’s not what I want. It was inevitable that this was going to happen at some stage to the team.” His voiced sounded resigned but determined. “We’ll just have to play it by ear and see how things go.”
“Okay, but I need you to let me know if it causes problems or whatever. I don’t want to come between you and your team.”
“Okay, babe. It’ll be fine,” he said confidently.
She hoped he was right. She felt Brayden tense beneath her and turn his head to peer through the glass doors that lined the room on the veranda.
“What is it?” she asked, coming alert to his reaction.
He looked at his watch and the luminous dial read five minutes to four.
“There’s someone at the front gates. It’s probably the guys but I need to check.”
She moved to allow him up and he moved from the room towards the office with the animal grace she would never tire of viewing.
She stood and moved to the glass, peering towards where the driveway wove down to the gates. How on earth did he know there was someone there? She couldn’t see a car through the solid gates. Next thing she saw, the heavy gates smoothly swung open and a black Jeep drove through.
She guessed he must have released the gate from his office but it was a major puzzle how he had known they were there to begin with. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for some sort of electronic gadget or other evidence that indicated how he had known. She found none. How strange. Rihanna made a mental note to ask Brayden about it later.
Brayden returned to the room and caught her watching from the window. He moved into her side and put his arms around her for a brief hug. “The guys are here,” he announced.
He gave her one more melting squeeze before he placed a light kiss on her cheek and pulled away.
“I’ll go meet them in the garage.”
Rihanna watched him go and looked around the room, unsure of just how the arrival of Bray’s teammates would affect their relationship. She moved to the stools at the kitchen bench. This allowed her the ability to easily get to her feet and not be at the disadvantage of being low on the lounge. One thing she was sure of, though: it would change things from the easy companionship they had shared over the last coupl
e of days.
With no more than a couple of minutes to ponder the change, she heard the door from the garage to the house open and then close down the hall. Trying to calm her nerves, she sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out as she heard the light but approaching footsteps and low voices in the hall. They rounded the corner and Rihanna almost gasped aloud. Brayden was flanked by two of the most magnificent men she had ever seen. Between the three of them, they were lethal to the entire female population.
Brayden broke from the group as they entered the room and walked directly to her side. Rihanna found herself rising off the stool and standing beside him.
She felt the stares and questions coming from the two newcomers.
Bray broke the momentary but noticeable silence.
“Rihanna, I’d like to introduce my teammates. Quade Roston.” Brayden gestured to a very tall and large dark-haired man. His hair was so dark it might even have been black. It was the perfect foil for his lightly tanned skin. Blue eyes so clear and azure were running their own assessment on her.
He moved slightly forward and extended his hand in welcome. She took it automatically, maintaining the uncomfortable eye contact. His skin was very cool to the touch. Noticeably cool. She found herself muttering an automatic, “Nice to meet you” to his wordless greeting.
Brayden broke the tension and went on. “And this is Rory Southall.” Quade dropped her hand and moved back. Rory immediately stepped forward and took his place. Not as tall as Quade or even Bray, but still an inch or two over six feet. His sandy blonde hair and deep tan spoke volumes about his lifestyle. But it was the warm friendly feeling she got when she meet his eyes, the colour of milk chocolate. and his big smile that immediately eased the remaining tension in the room.