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Finding Trust (Centre Games) Page 11

  Very soon, he reached down and gently pushed her head from him. She looked up in question.

  “Minky, I can’t take anymore. I need to come so bad,” he pleaded.

  “Well, come.” And she moved to return to her ministrations.

  “Not this time, Rih. I want to be inside you now and we need to move this to the bedroom because I don’t have any protection out here.” To avoid any further protests, he moved to get up from the lounge and pulled her with him.

  He’d carry her back to the bedroom but he didn’t know whether he could support her weight, even with his animal strength. She sure had done a number on him. It wouldn’t be a good look at all to drop her halfway down the hall.

  He strode into the bedroom, half dragging her behind him. He rounded the corner of the bed and reached for a condom from the bedside table. As he sheathed himself with the condom, she stood there awkwardly, not quite sure of herself.

  Bray sensed her discomfort so he gave her something to think about instead.

  “Go lay over the arm of the day bed, Minky. I want you from behind.” His voice was strong and confident. It gave her no cause to question or think. Rather, she turned and moved through the doors, anticipating what it would feel like to have Bray’s hard length filling her from behind.

  No sooner had she settled herself over the arm of the lounge than she felt his hard body connect with hers. His legs against her legs, his hands on her ass and back. Next, she felt his long fingers probing her wet, tingling channel. He gave her a few experimental strokes to test her readiness for him before firmly sliding inside her right to the hilt.

  God, he was huge and filled her to the max. She could think of nothing else except the presence of him in her body. How good it felt, how right it felt.

  “Oh, Bray,” she panted as he began to move inside her.

  “Yeah, Rih, I know—it’s so good.”

  He slid his hands around and found her peaked nipples and squeezed the erect buds firmly. In response, she tightened her internal muscles around his cock even harder and groaned.

  Yeah, she really loved having her nipples played with.

  With a few more deep thrusts against that oh so special spot inside her, she climbed to the precipice of the cliff and waited for him to send her flying again.

  “Bray—harder. I need to come now,” she demanded.

  Her wish was his command and he thrust even harder against the rounded cheeks of her ass. He reached around and flicked the little bud of her clit; she screamed and bucked back hard against him.

  One thrust, two thrusts and he joined her, jetting his release into the condom deep inside her. He continued to shudder in ecstasy, finally collapsing over the slick skin of her back. He leaned into her neck and pressed feather like kisses down the side of her neck.

  “Rih, that near killed me, it was soo good.”

  She chuckled gently and her internal movements half grabbed and half pushed him out of her warm body. Reluctantly, he stood and brought her up to him for a tender cuddle; he nuzzled her neck and just enjoyed having her in his arms.

  “Come on, let’s get cleaned up and head to bed.”

  She turned and headed towards the bathroom. He was waiting by the bathroom counter when she stepped from behind the toilet partition. He brushed past her on the way towards where she’d just been. In playful retaliation, she turned and swatted him lightly on the butt.

  “Oh baby, you want to play more?” he joked.

  “Maybe later, big guy. I’m heading for bed right now.”

  Before she even had time to think, he made the sleeping arrangements for the evening clear.

  “Hop into bed, honey. Left side is all yours.”

  Okkaaay, so she kind of expected or hoped he wanted her to spend the night in bed with her but his last statement made it clear.

  She pulled the covers back and was about to hop into bed when she realised she didn’t have a stitch of clothing on. Immediately, she turned to head to the spare room where her bag was when he came out of the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Umm, to go get some clothes,” she threw over her shoulder.

  “Get back into bed; you won’t need clothes. In fact, I think I’m going to start a no-clothes-in-my-bed rule.” He smirked.

  She turned back, shrugged a little coyly and slid into the bed. He kissed her lightly on the forehead before he turned to walk through the door.

  “I’ll just go put away dessert and make sure everything is locked up.”

  “’Kay,” she mumbled.

  By the time he returned, she was in a deep sleep, turned towards the door. He slid silently into bed and spooned into her back.

  God, it felt good to have her in his arms.

  Chapter Eight

  Rihanna woke to the tantalising smell of fresh brewed coffee being placed on the bedside table. The sun was well up and streaming through the timber shutters of Brayden’s bedroom.

  “Morning, gorgeous,” said Bray as he hopped into bed and pulled her into his arms for a kiss and cuddle, not wanting her to have time to feel awkward about ripping up the sheets together last night.

  “Mmmm, this is a nice way to be woken up,” she whispered as she moved into his embrace. He ran his hands down over her shoulders and back and she winced. This caught them both by surprise.

  “Where are you sore?” he said, immediately concerned. He peeled back the pale green sheet and noticed the bruising on her shoulders and side had certainly come out. He didn’t need her to answer; he could clearly see for himself.

  “Why didn’t you say something earlier? Surely this had to hurt? Particularly seeing how active we were last night. God, the last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you.” His voice was thick with concern.

  “I didn’t notice it so much yesterday but maybe it’s the two-day rule for soreness coming out. I’ll be okay.” She didn’t want him worrying about her. Besides, a big part of her was worried he might not want to touch her if she was sore.

  That thought set off a whole other war of internal misgivings. He made her sooo hot. This seemed to override all her usual good sense and responsible tendencies.

  “No doubt about the two-day thing, Minky. I’m surprised you let me touch you at all with the bruises you got this morning. This didn’t hurt yesterday?” he asked, completely perplexed at how it possibly couldn’t have hurt.

  “Well, I could feel it but it wasn’t too bad.” Rihanna was trying to make light of it because she could tell Bray was really concerned about the bruises and that all their “activities” of the last twelve hours couldn’t have helped. Rihanna looked up through her lashes and added, “Besides, other things felt a lot better so I guess I kind of forgot about any soreness.”

  She snuggled into his arms and raised her face to him, indicating she wanted a kiss. He rewarded her with exactly what she wanted, a sweet morning wake-up kiss that could easily turn into something far more scrumptious. He gently pulled away from her after a few long seconds.

  “I know exactly what you’re up to, miss. Thinking you can distract me from your injuries by getting me distracted with sex,” he playfully chastised. “No, we’re not playing anymore this morning. You’re going to drink your coffee and have a hot shower. Then I’ll rub some arnica cream into those bruises.”

  She moved to sit up against the pillows he’d thoughtfully heaped against the bedhead.

  “Wow, you’re bossy in the mornings.” She pretended to huff.

  “Ever think you might need a bit of bossing…?” he offered suggestively, raising his eyebrows and giving her his killer smirk.

  In Rihanna’s opinion, that question didn’t even deserve a verbal response. So she reached behind, grabbed a firm pillow and gave him a playful backhand with it. The effect was somewhat spoiled when she couldn’t help wincing at the extension of her right arm. Nonetheless, she felt better.

  “You just proved it again. Drink your coffee and go take a shower.”

sp; Rihanna decided she wasn’t going to win this argument and, really, was it worth winning when he was being so sweet and concerned about her injuries? So she decided to change the subject.

  “What time is it now?”

  “A little before seven.” He immediately picked up on her meaning in the seemingly innocent question. “Yes, I have to call in to the boss man at eight.”

  “Can I talk to Dad then?”

  “I’m not sure, Rih. I’ll certainly ask but he may not be at the same facility so it might take a few calls to tee it up. Rheeba seemed to think he would be fine to talk this morning, but you already know that.”

  She mulled over his words and subconsciously tightened her grip on the coffee cup. He immediately noticed she was starting to stress over the situation again.

  “Hey, baby, no dropping the bottom lip. It’ll be okay; we’ll make it okay,” he said, trying to project some confidence into her. She nodded, finished her coffee and slid from the bed.

  Remembering her nakedness outside the sheets, she tried to use her arms to discreetly hide her important parts as she rounded the bed towards the bathroom. Bray caught her game and rather than let her go peacefully, he stated the blatantly obvious.

  “Don’t hide from me, Minky. I’ve seen it all, licked you, kissed you, memorised you and I’m a hair’s breadth from dragging you back here to do it all again.” His voice was laced with delicious menace.

  She shivered at his words and scurried into the bathroom, hearing Bray’s low chuckle as she went through the door. Wow, did he ever get her blood racing…

  Before he had time to make good on his threat, she ran the water and stepped in, immediately enjoying the feel of the strong jets on her shoulders.

  “Mmmm,” she groaned as she rolled her shoulders, using the hot water to help ease the stiffness she sustained on New Year’s Eve. She turned and placed her hands on the white tile wall and let the water stream down her back. It felt so good. Did that really only happen about thirty hours ago?

  Bray slipped quietly into the bathroom, unnoticed by Rihanna. She was miles away, enjoying the hot water on her stiff muscles. She looked magnificent, all long limbed and wet, leaning her forearms against the tile. The water slooshed down the sculptured but feminine musculature of her shoulders and back only to then trace the killer curves of her rounded hips and thighs, before falling to the floor tiles. His already hard cock was now beyond the point of uncomfortable. He was torn between being considerate of her sore shoulders and wanting to bury himself so deep in her silky heat.

  Want won the fight.

  Wordlessly, he opened the glass door and stepped in, wrapping his arms around her waist and snuggling into her hips and lower back. Rihanna immediately stood erect at his touch, stiffened and then relaxed; she shifted back against him, searching for maximum contact with him.

  He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “The sight of you naked in my shower was too much to bear. I really need to be inside you now.”

  He smoothed his hands over her stomach and breasts, causing

  her nipples to immediately peak into hard pebbles.

  The feeling of her nipples against his palms with each circle created by his hands was driving her quickly mad. The pain in her shoulders was completely overridden by the need to be even tighter to him. She reached her arms behind her, around him and palmed his rock hard butt, pulling him into her with as much strength as she could. His erection now jammed against the cleft of her butt cheeks was too much; she wriggled back hard against him.

  “Enough,” he growled as he stepped her forward, placed her palms on the tiled wall and slipped his fingers through her silky heat. He nudged her legs apart with his hand, bent his knees sightly and thrust upwards, impaling her on his iron length.

  “Uuuuuhhhhhh,” she panted, followed by a chorus of “shhhh” and “aahhhh’s” as he set a fierce rhythm. It was building fast. It was hard and it was totally out of control. And it was just what they both wanted.

  He reached forward and captured her left nipple, giving it a hard twang with his left hand. His right hand became insistent on her sensitive clit.

  “Come for me now, Rih,” he demanded.

  “Ahhhhhh,” was her cried response as her body dissolved into a wave of spasms. He took two farther, deep thrusts and joined her, growling his release into her ear. Both their bodies crashed together violently, the water continuing to cascade between them.

  He buried his head into the wet strands of her hair and rubbed his palms up and down her super sensitised breasts and stomach. She was still panting and spent from their efforts.

  He slowly withdrew from her slick channel and turned her in his arms to face him. Bray pushed her back directly against the cold tiles and she squealed at the sudden cold on her hot flesh. He silenced her protest at the cold by covering her mouth with his lips and drawing her tongue into his mouth for a heated kiss.

  After what seemed forever, he reached over and bumped the flick mixer off, ending the torrent of water that had been caressing them.

  “Come on—time to get out. We’ve got thirty minutes before I have to call the boss. Just long enough to get dressed and rub some arnica cream into those bruises.”

  He stepped from the shower, reached under the cupboard and passed her a large fluffy navy towel and then grabbed one for himself. Rihanna immediately threw her head forward and started to rub at her hair.

  Seeing that one towel wasn’t going to be enough to deal with all the water her hair held, he dipped into the cupboard again and came out with another navy towel and wordlessly passed it to her.

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him as she took it. How many guys would think to pass her another towel for her hair? This guy was becoming too good to be true.

  He walked from the bathroom and into a concealed walk-in closet, the mirror just catching his movements as he pulled on denim shorts faded to almost white in spots and a dark grey Steel tour T-shirt.

  After drying her hair and everywhere else, she wrapped the towel around her and headed to find some clothes from her bags down the hall.

  “Grab some clothes and then head back here, Rih,” he called. “I want to get that cream on your shoulders.”

  The request was pleasant enough but left her with no doubt that she was getting cream on her shoulders whether she wanted to or not. What was it about him that meant she tolerated his demands?

  She returned a couple of minutes later, dressed in soft cotton shorts and a figure-hugging singlet top that must have had some kind of built in bra because her breasts sure did look perky in it. He approached her with a jar of something in his hands. He stood behind her and immediately slipped the fine straps of the singlet from her shoulders and started to rub the pleasant-smelling cream into her shoulders.

  His touch was firm and sure on the tender muscles. She reached up and held her wet hair in place on the top of her head.

  “Done,” he announced, pulling her straps back onto her shoulders and placing a whisper-soft kiss just below her left ear.

  “Time for more coffee and something to eat,” he said, urging her to the kitchen with him.

  “What do you want for breakfast? Some fruit? Yoghurt? Maybe some cream?” he asked innocently.

  Rihanna immediately burst out laughing at the mention of the fruit and yoghurt. Last night’s events clearly returned to her thoughts.

  He playfully tugged her close, kissed her on the cheek and deposited her on a stool behind the kitchen bench.

  “You’ve got the makings of a dirty mind, sweetheart,” he said, turning to get some breakfast fixings from the fridge.

  She blushed at his words as he deposited the milk and a tub of yoghurt on the bench. He reached over and caught her chin gently in his hand, tipping her head back to meet his eyes.

  “I like it.” He paused. “A hell of a lot.”

  As per normal, this just made her blush more and get even more embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry, Minky, hang around me
long enough and eventually the embarrassment and the blushes will fade,” he claimed smugly. “Although I think I’ll miss them.”

  Not knowing quite what to say to this, Rihanna clammed up and started pouring cereal into the bowl he had just placed in front of her.

  He chuckled quietly at her reaction before spooning cereal into his mouth. He munched contentedly for a couple of minutes before he started to fidget on the stool he had chosen beside her. Clearly, whatever he was thinking about was causing him concern. Maybe he was thinking about the call he had to make in a few minutes.

  Curiosity finally got the better of her.

  “What’s up? You were fine till about two minutes ago and now you’re like a three-year-old at McDonald’s wriggling around on that stool.”

  A frown crossed his face before he looked her directly in the eyes. “I just realised we didn’t take any precautions in the shower, Minky. Fuck, I’m soo sorry, Rih. I just didn’t think.”

  He saw her immediately stiffen at his words. Rather than saying anything, she turned back to her cereal and took another spoonful into her mouth. Fuck, he wished he knew what she was thinking. She wasn’t saying anything.

  God, she could be pregnant and what’s more she didn’t even know that the baby would be some crazy half hybrid test tube experiment. None of his brother and sisterhood had any kids yet. Fuck, fuck, ten thousand fucks. Yeah, that was what caused the problem, moron, he mentally chastised himself.

  His kind were supposed to be able to have normal kids. Whatever the hell that meant. How could he have been that stupid to even risk it??? He didn’t need anyone to answer that question; he already knew the answer. Rihanna called to him on the most basic level. He couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t get close enough to her. The more time he spent with her, the more he liked her. Really liked her. It wasn’t just that she was hot and the chemistry between them was off the charts. He found she was pretty easy to be around and hadn’t got on his nerves so far.

  Her not saying anything and casually eating breakfast was just about driving him clean out of his mind.

  “Say something, Rihanna. You calmly sitting there eating is just about killing me.”